Break Free Mind
A Proven 11-Step Methodology to ACTUALLY help you Break Free from ANYTHING that’s been keeping you STUCK
This is for you...If you FINALLY want to have YOUR breakthrough in life & express your highest potential!
In just 45 days, it is your A to Z transformation that brings together all the puzzle pieces needed to break free & guides you effortlessly to the root cause of what has been keeping you stuck, so you can FINALLY break free!
Even if nothing else has worked!
Now! Enrolling for March 2024
Have you been feeling STUCK for a while...​
Certain areas in your life (money, love, mental health, old habits, relationships with yourself & others, health, purpose, career) are NOT improving SIGNIFICANTLY, no matter what you’ve tried?
You want to get UNSTUCK!
Have you been comparing yourself to OTHERS...
​Others are having their breakthroughs & successes, things seem to be moving forward for them & you are comparing yourself to them? You want to feel FREE & CONFIDENT, get CLARITY & define your VISION.
… and you are wondering...Why hasn’t it happened for me yet?
This may NOT your first time doing the inner work:​
You've dived into personal growth books and various self-improvement courses
You've done therapy and tried other techniques
You've remained open to the wisdom of spirituality, and the Law of Attraction
You know about the power of your mind, meditation, affirmations, etc.
You know YOU can do better. You know YOU are meant for more!
Then why haven't I had my break through, yet?
If you are ready to break free from:
Being paralyzed by fear, shyness, social anxiety, comparisons, others' opinions.
Second-guessing yourself, being in your head too much & doubting your worth.
Feeling scattered & lost, your emotions are all over the place, and don't feel like yourself.
Finding yourself in the same repetitive relationship patterns with loved ones.
Feeling defeated for not being further along in career, financially, and life in general.
Constantly feeling overwhelmed, stressed out & worried about everything.
Feeling like you are not living for yourself & are putting everybody else on a pedestal.
Struggling with depression, grief, emotional eating, body image, anxiety, abandonment.
...Then you are in the RIGHT place! ​

​You CAN break free!
Your new life is waiting for YOU.
This is YOUR time.!
Say this out loud: “I CAN break free. My new life is waiting for ME. This is my time!”
And if there is a part of you that says: “Sounds great but HOW?” or “I don’t believe this is possible for me” or “I’ve heard this before” or “This will work for others not me” or “I can’t afford this” or “I don’t have time for this”…
... I’ve got you!
$997 - One-time Payment
Break Free Mind plus 6 Group Coaching Sessions​
3-Payment Plan - 3 payments of $357/month
Break Free Mind plus 6 Group Coaching Sessions
Choose Your Payment Plan